Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day has been pretty swell so far. The hubs and I exchanged gifts a week or so in advance of the day. Ha. So today we just exchanged small things. Timmy and I made some homemade cards for daddy :) Timmy got a hug and kiss for Valentines. Maybe next year he will get something more but for right now he has way too MUCH stuff already.

Timmy and I also had a little valentines day photo shoot. Enjoy ;)

These next few photos are supposed to go together :)

Just in case you can't tell what Timothy is spelling. Here is a better shot:

And yes, that last photo was the end of our photo shoot. Ha.


  1. Haha love those pics, especially the last one!

  2. How fun that you live in Vermont, too! We are visiting Christ Community Church, but we are also a part of a PCA church plant for downtown Burlington. Where are you originally from in the south?
